Question 19 of 23 Presiding Questions For 2023 Presidential Quests: Their Ambitions Versus Our Convictions


Section C: Recovery of Social Architecture

Various forms of social insecurity manifesting as cybercrimes/Internet fraud (yahoo yahoo), Olosho syndrome (rising incidence of teenagers-turned-commercial sex workers), kidnapping, banditry, bank robberies etc. arise mainly from lack of productive engagement/employment of the high number of Nigerian youths, which is in turn daily worsened by population explosion. The fixation of our federal entity on social schemes that transfer a meagre N10,000 cash to the individual bank accounts of each of 2 million Nigerians on a monthly basis doesn’t improve the social security rating of these beneficiaries and wouldn’t deter them from ventilating their consequent anger & hunger through indulgence in dangerous acts that compromise national insecurity.

Although the penchant for quick monies (e.g, through money-seeking ritual killings) among the young generation is infamously fueled by religious doctrines promising mysterious wealth regardless of hard work, smart work, creative thinking, opportunity-recognition etc., intentional job-creation strategies led by private sector partnerships in areas of comparative advantages of the Federal government, 36 States, Federal Capital Territory and 774 Local Government Area councils, hold the ace. Are you convinced that such tactics, if embraced by the next President in 2023, would be far-reaching and complementary in resolving these complex social problems occasioned by unemployment, rather than expending hundreds of billions solely on the purchase of arms & ammunitions for the police and armed forces?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I don’t know

Dr. Adetolu Ademujimi is a Medical Doctor, Author, Reformer, Coach, Public Policy expert and social entrepreneur, who wrote in from Akure in Nigeria. Email:; Twitter: @toluademujimi; Instagram: @adetoluademujimi; Linkedin: @adetolu ademujimi





  1. Yes.
    When young people are gainful employed and earning well, crime rate will ordinarily reduce as that population will no longer be available for such small crimes in the name of survival.


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