
Showing posts from February, 2025

My Mum Turns 70: Melo Ni Mo Ma Ro Nipa Abiyamo Iyabode?

  Melo ni mo ma ro nipa abiyamo Iyabode (how much will I broadcast about a mother incarnate Iyabode), who was bequeathed to mother earth on 13th February 1955? My siblings and I may not be throwing a 70th birthday party for our loving mum because of her grief over the recent loss of her younger brother, Dr. Ademola Akinmola (a medical doctor), whose painful passing in a ghastly road traffic mishap on 26th August 2024 remains a sore wound for ma’a mi (my mother – in Yoruba language) , Mrs Iyabode Moromoke Lillian Ademujimi (nee Akinmola). Be that as it may, my pen needs neither a sound of music nor clinging plates & cutlery to expressly and openly celebrate and acknowledge the relentless, selfless and priceless disposition of my mum to her husband and three offspring - my humble self (her first male), Toun (her second child & only female) and Toyosi (her second male & last child). Ma’ami is the first child of her late father, Pa Israel Adenodi Akinmola, who departed t...

Our Failing Social Order; Her Fading Crucial Other

    The pockets of preventable deaths due to fire incidences resulting from accidental spillage of gasoline by trucks conveying these highly flammable substances over the past few weeks are proofs of dearth of a vital societal fabric in Nigeria. Poverty, illiteracy and ignorance may have been largely responsible for the unrestrained rush by passers-by to scoop ‘free’ petrol that may unfortunately burst into flames at the slightest trigger, resulting in wanton killings as witnessed across three States recently. Nonetheless the triple excuses I just stated, there is a prevailing decline of social order - a dangerous wave of less observance of standards, values and laws. How come Nigerians living in diaspora, irrespective of their socioeconomic, literacy and awareness status, observe the laid down social order (or earn sanctions) in their respective countries of residence abroad? Notwithstanding the economic challenges that Nigeria currently experiences, and the policy initia...