Without Embedded Privileges, Will Thou Embrace Politics?

Happy workers’ day to Nigerians who work hard and even smart, but unfortunately earn less than political office workers who receive rewards in exaggerated proportions. The fact that I’ll soon be a member of the country’s political class wouldn’t deter the sincerity of my thoughts expressed in this and many more writings. So, I pen this article with the consciousness that the question is also directed at me. Now that it appears the political terrain in Nigeria is a very fertile ground that is astronomically more rewarding of the ‘hard work’ of politicians than the diligence of millions of non-political professionals & entrepreneurs, a pandemic arising from such detrimental political reward culture is apparently about to consume the rest of us. The crux of this commentary, therefore, is to interrogate this destructive trend of exorbitant privileges along our political corridor that has become more addictive than pornography. This patriotic piece of writing attempts to speak t...