
Showing posts from February, 2023

Question 23 Of 23 Presiding Questions For 2023 Presidential Quests: Their Ambitions Versus Our Convictions

  Section D : Remodeling of Political Culture In conclusion of this momentous question series, the new political culture that Nigeria requires her next democratically elected President to facilitate by starting with his political party on May 29, 2023, is one encapsulated in my article titled “ From Tea Parties To Political Parties: Formatting The Highfliers Of Democratic Regression To Livewires Of Demonstrable Progression”. The piece was published on the 12 th day of June, 2022, in commemoration of Nigeria’s 2022 Democracy Day and the 30 th anniversary of the annulment of the June 12, 1993 Presidential election believed to have been won by the late Chief M.K.O Abiola. If politics is not all about power-grabbing but intended for good governance, and good governance is in turn intended for service, imagine both the ruling and opposition political parties in Nigeria taking up a new culture that entails; 1. Civic volunteering & community service: Without contravening the el

Question 22 Of 23 Presiding Questions For 2023 Presidential Quests: Their Ambitions Versus Our Convictions

  Section D : Remodeling of Political Culture The inducement of voters (before, during or after primary & general elections; around or outside voting venues) is a criminal political culture that is prevalent in Nigeria and requires more than lip service to tackle. Save for the shabby planning and implementation of the currency redesign by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and its consequent needless hardship on majority of Nigerians, its intention to stifle the ability of corrupt politicians & political parties to procure votes with already-stashed naira notes is welcome. Nonetheless, it is important to stress that not all monies expended during elections are for electoral malpractices as INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission) officials and party agents legitimately require logistic support, via funds, for smooth conduct of elections. However, the morally decadent and generally destructive behaviour of voters-enticement at primary elections as well as at the gen

Question 21 Of 23 Presiding Questions For 2023 Presidential Quests: Their Ambitions Versus Our Convictions

  Section D : Remodeling of Political Culture The siren-blaring cars conveying several political office holders has become a largely oppressive act in Nigeria. Ask a regular politician something he/she finds most ‘inspiring’ about political power and you’ll be amazed that one honest response includes being driven around with sirens and security men; a culture that massages their egos, confers the feeling of being above the law and satisfies their urge for conquering their ‘subjects’. Why should citizens over whom you rule feel terrorized by you? Naked display of absolute power, even in a democracy! In the full glare of their principals, most convoy drivers and the security personnel attached to Governors, Deputy Governors, Ministers, Senators, House of Representative members etc. have caused other road-users untold hardship such as unwarranted road traffic accidents, sustained panic & trepidations, intentional damage to fellow road-users’ vehicles, infliction of bodily injur